martes, 20 de octubre de 2020



What Are Adjuncts? (with Examples)

What Are Adjuncts? (with Examples)
An adjunct is a word, a phrase, or a clause that can be removed from a sentence without making the sentence grammatically wrong.

An adjunct is usually an adverb used to modify a verb. When used as an adverb, an adjunct will usually indicate a time, a manner, a place, a frequency, a reason, or a degree.

examples of adjuncts

Examples of Adjuncts

Here are some more examples of adjuncts.

Time Adjuncts (Adverbs of Time)

Here are some examples of time adjuncts:
  • The alarm went off again yesterday.
  • In the morning, he will veto the bill.

Manner Adjuncts (Adverbs of Manner)

Here are some examples of manner adjuncts:
  • Present your case carefully.
  • Simon drinks his pints like a demon.

Place Adjuncts (Adverbs of Place)

Here are some examples of place adjuncts:
  • Here the situation is completely different.
  • She buries all her toys wherever Ollie buries his.

Frequency Adjuncts (Adverbs of Frequency)

Here are some examples of frequency adjuncts:
  • She comes here often.
  • Every Tuesday, the shop opens at eight o'clock.

Reason Adjuncts (Adverbs of Reason)

Here are some examples of reason adjuncts:
  • As it's Friday, you can stay up another hour.
  • Expect the tent to leak because it's been in my garage for 30 years.

Degree Adjuncts (Adverbs of Degree)

Here are some examples of degree adjuncts:
  • You're not as poor as you could have been.
  • She is as smart as she is brilliant.

Why Should I Care about Adjuncts?

Here are three good reasons to care about adjuncts.

(Reason 1) Put your adjunct in the right place.

Place your adjunct next to whatever it is modifying to avoid ambiguity. Look at this example:
  • Cycling uphill quickly strengthens your calf muscles. 
  • (This is not wrong, but it's ambiguous.)
Does quickly modify Cycling uphill or strengthens?

This is called a squinting modifier, which is a type of misplaced modifier. Here is another example of a badly placed adjunct creating a misplaced modifier:
  • Simon and his mother were reunited after 52 years in McDonald's
  • (That's a long time to spend in McDonald's! There are two adjuncts in this example, a time adjunct and a place adjunct.)
Here are better, unambiguous versions with appropriately placed adjuncts:
  • Cycling uphill strengthens your calf muscles quickly
  • Simon and his mother were reunited in McDonald's after 52 years
Read more about misplaced modifiers.

(Reason 2) Use a comma with a fronted adjunct.

Adjuncts cause few problems for native English speakers. The main grammar point is whether to use a comma.

When an adjunct is at the front of a sentence (especially when it's made up of more than one word), it is usual to use a comma.
  • A mouse ran across the floor while you were on the phone
  • (no comma required - adjunct at the end of the sentence)
  • While you were on the phone, a mouse ran across the floor. 
  • (comma expected - adjunct at the start)
  • It is a better standard of living in the north of Scotland
  • (no comma required - adjunct at the end of the sentence)
  • In the north of Scotland, it is a better standard of living. 
  • (comma expected - adjunct at the start)
Read more about commas and fronted adjuncts.
Read more about commas with adverbial clauses and phrases on the "independent clauses" page (see Points 3 and 4 on that page).

(Reason 3) Delete unnecessary manner adjuncts ending -ly.

Professional writers (particularly fiction writers) use adverbs ending -ly (typically manner adjuncts) sparingly. They consider them unnecessary clutter. This view is supported by Author Stephen King:
  • The road to hell is paved with adverbs. (Author Stephen King)
Professional writers believe that adverbs ending -ly are redundant if you choose the right dialogue.
  • Extremely hungry, she looked longingly at the cakes.
  • (Professional writers would tut at this.)
  • Ravenous, she stared at the cakes.
  • (This is sharper.)
Here are the three good reasons to avoid a manner adjunct ending -ly:

(1) The adjunct is a tautology (i.e., needless repetition of an idea).
  • She laughed happily.
(2) The adjunct is "spoon feeding" the reader.
  • She smiled disappointedly.
  • (By the time your readers reach this sentence, they should know from context that it's a disappointed smile. Professional writers would try to show their readers, not literally tell them, that she's disappointed. Less is more.)
Spoon-feeding with a manner adjunct occurs most commonly with verbs of attribution (e.g., saiddeclaredwhispered).
  • "Get off!" she growled angrily.
  • (You should omit the adjunct if it's implicit from the context.)
(3) The adjunct is only there because of a badly chosen word.
  • Shouting loudly, Janet wanted us to know that she was completely annoyed.
  • (The adjuncts are necessary because the verbs are not sufficiently descriptive.)
  • Screaming, Janet wanted us to know that she was livid.
  • (It is sharper with more-descriptive words and without the adjuncts.)
Read more about avoiding manner adjuncts on the adverbs page (see Point 1 on that page).
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Adverbial Clauses


Adverbial Clauses

An adverbial clause is a group of words that plays the role of an adverb. (Like all clauses, an adverbial clause contains a subject and a verb.)

adverbial clause

Easy Example of an Adverbial Clause

Here is an easy example of an adverbial clause:
  • Keep hitting the gong until I tell you to stop.
Compare the example above with the similar sentence below, which features an example with a normal adverb.
  • Keep hitting the gong hourly.
  • (This bold text is a normal adverb, not an adverbial clause.)
In the two examples above, the adverbial clause and the normal adverb both tell us when the gong is to be hit. Therefore, they are both adverbs of time.

Real-Life Examples of Adverbial Clauses

Below are some more examples (including some well-known proverbs and quotations) with adverbial clauses. These examples have been categorized according to the type of adverbial clause (e.g., adverb of time, adverb of place).

Adverbs of Time (When?)

An adverb of time states when something happens or how often. An adverb of time often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: "after," "as," "as long as," "as soon as," "before," "no sooner than," "since," "until," "when," or "while."

Here are some examples:
  • After the game has finished, the king and pawn go into the same box. (Italian Proverb)
  • I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph. (Actress Shirley Temple)
  • As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. (Writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Adverbs of Place (Where?)

An adverb of place states where something happens. An adverb of place often starts with a preposition (e.g., "in," "on," "near") or one of the following subordinating conjunctions: "anywhere," "everywhere," "where," or "wherever."

Here are some examples:
  • Anywhere the struggle is great, the level of ingenuity and inventiveness is high. (Economist Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin)
  • I am not afraid of the pen, the scaffold, or the sword. I will tell the truth wherever I please. (Lobbyist Mother Jones)

Adverbs of Manner (How?)

An adverb of manner states how something is done. An adverb of manner often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: "as," "like," or "the way."

Here are some examples:
  • He acts like it is a joke.
  • We don't have conversations. You talk at me the way a teacher talks to a naughty student.
  • Except for an occasional heart attack, I feel as young as I ever did. (Comedian Robert Benchley)

Adverbs of Degree or Comparison (To What Degree?)

An adverb of degree states to what degree something is done or offers a comparison. An adverb of degree often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: "than," "," "," or "the...the."

Here are some examples:
  • A vacuum is a hell of a lot better than some of the stuff that nature replaces it with. (Playwright Tennessee Williams)
  • He is as smart as he is tall.
  • She is not so bright as she thinks she is.
Sometimes, the verb in an adverb of degree is understood (i.e., not present). For example:
  • You are taller than I. 
  • (In this example, the verb "am" has been omitted. This is permissible.)
  • You are taller than I am. 
  • (This is the full version.)
  • You are taller than me. 
  • (This is the colloquial version. This version might irk some of your grammar-savvy readers, but it is acceptable.)
Read more about choosing between "than I" and "than me."

Adverbs of Reason (Why?)

An adverb of reason offers a reason for the main idea. An adverb of reason often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: "as," "because," "given," or "since."

Here are some examples:
  • I don't have a bank account, because I don't know my mother's maiden name. (Comedian Paula Poundstone)
  • Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time, you are incomparable. (Journalist Brenda Ueland)

Adverbs of Condition (If, Then)

An adverb of condition states the condition for the main idea to come into effect. An adverb of condition often starts with "if" or "unless."

Here are some examples:
  • If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. (Physicist Albert Einstein)
  • If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur. (Author Doug Larson)
  • If all the rich people in the world divided up their money among themselves, there wouldn't be enough to go around. (Novelist Christina Stead)
Read more about conditional sentences.

Adverbs of Concession (In spite Of)

An adverb of concession offers a statement which contrasts with the main idea. An adverb of concession often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: "though," "although," "even though," "while," "whereas," or "even if."

Here are some examples:
  • Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. (Author Dave Barry)
  • A loud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it's a whisper. (Author Barry Neil Kaufman)

Properties of an Adverbial Clause

Here are the properties of an adverbial clause:
  • An adverbial clause is an adjunct. This means it can be removed without the sentence being grammatically wrong.
  • An adverbial clause is a dependent clause. This means it cannot stand alone as meaningful sentence in its own right.
  • An adverbial clause usually starts with a subordinating conjunction (e.g., "although," "because," "if," "until," "when")
  • An adverbial clause contains a subject and a verb. (This is what makes it a clause as opposed to a phrase.)

Why Should I Care about Adverbial Clauses?

There is a great reason to learn about adverbial clauses: comma placement.

Using commas with adverbial clauses

When your adverbial clause (or phrase for that matter) is at the front of a sentence (often called a fronted adverbial), it is good practice to use a comma afterwards. For example:
  • Where there are too many soldiers, there is no peace. Where there are too many lawyers, there is no justice.  (Chinese philosopher Lin Yutang)
When your adverbial clause is at the back, the tendency is to omit the comma. For example:

  • There is no peace where there are too many soldiers. There is no justice where there are too many lawyers
This "rule" works well with most adverbial clauses (which tend to be adverbs of time, place, or condition). However, it is not a strict rule. It is best described as guidance that is highly likely to see you right.

Let's dig a little deeper. When your adverbial clause is at the front, you are safe to use a comma afterwards. The comma is considered useful to show where the adverbial clause ends and the main clause starts. When your adverbial clause is at the back of your sentence, things get a little more complicated because it depends whether the adverbial clause is essential (called a restrictive clause) or non-essential (called a non-restrictive clause). When it is essential, do not use a comma.

As most adverbial clauses are essential, the ruling "do not use a comma for a post-positioned adverbial clause (one at the back)" is nearly always safe...but not always. For example:
  • Jack didn't win because he was the best player. He won because he paid the referee.
  • (In this example, Jack actually won. The adverbial clause "because he was the best player" is deemed essential to distinguish it from the situation below.)
  • Jack didn't win, because he was the worst player.
  • (In this example, Jack lost, as you'd expect the worst player to.)
This point is covered more in the entry on independent clauses (see Points 3 and 4).

Don't worry. There's leniency. If you think your post-positioned adverbial clause looks better when preceded by a comma, then there's likely to be a good reason for that (e.g., it might be non-essential, you might want a pause for effect, you might think it aids reading). These are all good enough reasons to use a comma. So, go for it. Enjoy the leniency. But, be careful not to change the meaning of your sentence (as would be the case with the "why did Jack win" example above).


  What Are Adjuncts? (with Examples) What Are Adjuncts? (with Examples) An adjunct is a word, a  phrase , or a  clause  that can be removed ...